Middle finger shown

Car driver (43) wanted to beat up 21-year-old

23.05.2024 10:20

An argument between two drivers escalated in Lustenau on Wednesday afternoon. A driver (43) threatened a 21-year-old because the latter had flipped him off and flashed his middle finger.

Wild scenes took place on the Reichsstraße in Lustenau at around 3 pm on Wednesday. According to the police, the older driver threatened to beat up the younger driver at the petrol station near the Engel traffic circle. He also kicked the 21-year-old's vehicle. He in turn drove over the 43-year-old's foot.

The reason for the commotion was apparently an incident at the traffic circle. There, the 21-year-old is said to have first pointed a finger at his forehead. This was followed by the obscene gesture.

Driven into car out of fear
The altercation between the two eventually moved two kilometers away from the petrol station. The men stopped in front of a pizzeria. The 43-year-old got out and shouted at his opponent. He told the police that he had become frightened. This was also the reason why he had deliberately driven into the rear of the other car in order to flee.

As the statements of the two brawlers are quite contradictory, the police are asking any witnesses to come forward.

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