"He doesn't age!"

Multi-talented and muscular: Lenny Kravitz is 60

26.05.2024 07:00

"Fly Away" and "Stillness Of Heart" are just two of Lenny Kravitz's many hits. In his music, he strikes a socially critical note, mixing genres such as rock, funk, blues, reggae and soul, while always remaining true to himself. For decades, he has been one of the defining figures of the rock and pop scene, a fashion icon, photographer, designer and actor. He was recently honored with a star on the "Walk of Fame" in Hollywood. Kravitz turned 60 this Sunday.

"He just doesn't age. Unbelievable", "What the hell? How old are you?", "This man is aging backwards." These are just three of over 12,000 reactions to an Instagram video of Kravitz. It shows the superstar topless and wearing jeans at the beginning of May, pulling himself up on two rings like a young gymnast.

Training in tight leather pants
"I don't have that kind of connection with age. It always depends on who you are and how you live your life," says Kravitz in the dpa telephone interview. "You can be totally destroyed at 30 or you can still be young and strong at 80. I'm just grateful that I'm healthy and feel good. That's the most important thing."

Of course, the six-pack at 60 doesn't come about completely by itself: he has had the same routine since the 1990s, says the American. This includes two endurance sessions a day and strength training, during which he also likes to wear tight leather trousers and sunglasses - typical rock star. One wonders how the multi-talented musician can have so much time for his sporting exercises - after all, Kravitz is a real workaholic.

Becoming a musician thanks to Jackson 5
Kravitz was born in New York City in 1964 and grew up in a creative environment. His father, television producer Sy Kravitz, and his mother, actress Roxie Roker, encouraged his musical development from an early age. He can still clearly remember his first musical experience. "I must have been around five years old. I already knew that I loved music. My dad took me to a Jackson 5 show. I came back and was completely changed. I knew: this is what I want to do," says Kravitz.

The rock singer repeatedly mentions Prince, whom he has admired since his school days, as one of his first musical role models. Under the pseudonym Romeo Blue, he recorded his first tapes as a teenager, played in front of an audience and attracted the attention of record companies. He signed his first contract in 1989 and released his debut album "Let Love Rule". His breakthrough came with the follow-up "Mama Said" (1991) and the successful single "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over".

"Never compromised"
"I'm happy with all the songs I've made. Otherwise I wouldn't have released them. They are all part of me and I can appreciate them all," Kravitz emphasizes. He has always had the last word. "I've never compromised musically. I've always made the albums I want to make and have always had creative control."

The multi-instrumentalist has won four Grammy Awards over the course of his career and sold over 40 million albums worldwide. The singer also loves to be creative outside of music. With his distinctive clothing style, which combines retro elements with modern flair, he has become a fashion icon. He also became an internet meme in 2012 with an oversized brown wool scarf that he wore during a visit to New York.

Lenny Kravitz still wears the oversized scarf. (Bild: www.pps.at)
Lenny Kravitz still wears the oversized scarf.

He also founded the company "Kravitz Design", specializing in interior and product design. Kravitz also appears regularly in the film industry, for example in the drama "Precious" and the "Tribute of Panem" series.

Kravitz is a cosmopolitan
His private life reads less like that of a rock star: Kravitz has only been married once, to actress Lisa Bonet. The two are still friends today. He also has his only daughter with her. Zoë Kravitz (35) is now a well-known actress ("The Batman") and musician in her own right.

Lenny Kravitz with daughter Zoe Kravitz (Bild: APA/AFP/VALERIE MACON)
Lenny Kravitz with daughter Zoe Kravitz

The cosmopolitan, known for his spiritual lifestyle, has been commuting for years between his home in the Bahamas, a huge estate in the Brazilian jungle and a four-storey city palace in the embassy district of Paris. "I've learned to feel at home wherever I am. But if I had to choose, at the moment it would be the Bahamas."

Album for his 60th birthday
He also produced his twelfth studio album "Blue Electric Light" there, which will be released just in time for his 60th birthday and with which he will be touring Europe in a month's time (there are currently no dates for Austria). Kravitz will be celebrating his anniversary in the French capital during the rehearsals. He will probably spend parts of his birthday in the gym.

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