
No power struggle! Bosses see Austria on the right track

27.05.2024 15:21

A large contingent at the Verteilerkreis: Austria Vienna president Kurt Gollowitzer, CFO Harald Zagiczek and sporting director Jürgen Werner paid their respects at the Bundesliga club's last press conference of the season before the summer break on Monday. However, the trio did not have any news regarding the stadium or coach in their luggage. Instead, they gave a benevolent assessment that the club is on the right track in sporting and economic terms, explained Werner.

A remarkable insight in view of the club's well-known financial bottlenecks and a season that ended with an interim coach. "The past year was a very, very challenging and turbulent year," explained Gollowitzer, but also spoke of a "turnaround" at both a sporting and economic level. As an example, the club president cited the receipt of the license in the first instance.

"... unfortunately I have to disappoint them!"
Gollowitzer rejected reports and talk of internal power struggles within the club. "I'm sorry to disappoint all those who write that or would perhaps like to. We have tough discussions internally, but everything that is decided is a joint product of this management team." With Werner and Zagiczek, there is an "optimal constellation" at board level. We will "tackle the new season" with this team.

Sports director Jürgen Werner (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Sports director Jürgen Werner

"We are a long way from trench warfare or power struggles!"
Werner announced that the new head coach would be presented in the next three weeks and that they would try to strengthen the team. "It's very, very important that calm prevails. I want us at Austria to be able to work in peace and not always have to defend ourselves externally. We are a long way away from trench warfare or power struggles," said the sports director.

Zagiczek added: "We need unconditional solidarity within the club. There is one goal, and that is a successful Austria Wien. We subordinate everything to that."

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read the original article here.

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