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The secret behind solitaire

24.05.2024 16:30

Hardly any other game is as well-known and popular worldwide as solitaire. Since it found its way into countless households with the Windows 3.0 operating system in 1990, it has captivated and delighted generations of people. Originally designed to introduce users to the drag-and-drop function, it quickly established itself as a popular pastime. However, it is not only the game of solitaire that hides exciting facts, but also the playing cards themselves.

The French deck of cards is used in countless games and the symbols on the cards and all the exciting stories surrounding the cards are at least as interesting as the game of solitaire itself.

The origins of the game of solitaire
The origins of solitaire are still not entirely clear, but a popular legend tells that the game was invented in the 18th century by a French nobleman who was imprisoned in the Bastille awaiting execution. To pass the time, he is said to have developed the card game that later became known as solitaire. Other theories suggest that solitaire originated in the Scandinavian countries and was already being played there in the 17th century. Regardless of its exact origin, solitaire has evolved into different versions over the centuries and spread around the world.

The number of solitaire cards - a coincidence?
A standard deck of cards has 52 cards, which corresponds to the 52 weeks in a year. If you add up all the card values, you get 365 - exactly the number of days in a year. The number of cards in a deck and the division into four suits - a symbol for the seasons? - has evolved over time and has been influenced by various factors, including playing traditions, printing techniques and social preferences. The fact that the number of cards in a deck and the sum of their values were deliberately chosen to represent the year and its weeks is probably a remarkable coincidence rather than a deliberate intention on the part of the inventors of the decks.

The symbols in the French deck of cards
The symbols on the playing cards are not simply chosen at random, but carry historical and cultural meanings. In the French deck, for example, the four suits of hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs do not represent the four seasons, but rather different social classes: hearts stand for the clergy, spades for the nobility, diamonds for the bourgeoisie and clubs for the peasantry. These assignments reflect the social structure of the time and give the cards a symbolic level in addition to their technical value.

Of casinos and collectors
We encounter the French hand not only in solitaire, but in countless other games and areas of life - interesting facts await us everywhere. Did you know? Casinos change their decks surprisingly often - in Las Vegas this can be the case after just 12 hours to prevent cheating with marked cards. It is estimated that a Las Vegas casino uses around 27 million decks of cards per year. As soon as cards show signs of wear, such as so-called "tatty" edges or small creases, they are removed from play, as they could otherwise become recognizable. This is important to ensure that neither the dealer nor the players can identify the cards without seeing them.

(Bild: kr3)

Through the so-called casino advantage, i.e. the advantage that a casino has over the players in all games, the Las Vegas Strip earns around 9 billion dollars per year with all casinos. These are gigantic sums that depend on a few dice and French playing cards.

Where do playing cards come from?
The history of playing cards is closely linked to the development of printing techniques. The oldest playing cards in Europe date back to the 14th century and were hand-painted luxury objects for the nobility. However, with the invention of woodblock printing, cards became widely available and affordable, which increased their popularity. The production of playing cards played a central role in the early history of printing and mass production. In Italy, the so-called Trionfi cards were developed, the forerunners of the tarot cards, which later evolved into the French tarot, the German tarock and the Italian tarocchi game. These developments laid the foundations for the variety and popularity of card games, including solitaire.

The most expensive and oldest known deck of cards, a 15th century tarot deck, is now in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was purchased in the 1970s for $2,800, while some other card games on platforms such as eBay can reach prices of between €100 and €2,000.

Solitaire - fun and a challenge in everyday life
Card games have a long and fascinating history, ranging from aristocratic houses to modern casinos. We encounter the well-known French deck of cards in countless games such as poker, rummy, mau mau, blackjack and many more. But solitaire in particular - with its different variants - is an essential part of any relaxed evening or lunch break. Solitaire has found its place in the rich tradition of card games. As a game that requires both patience and strategic thinking, it offers a unique blend of entertainment and mental challenge.

Today, you can play solitaire not only with physical cards, but also conveniently online. If you fancy testing your luck and skills, visit krone.at and play solitaire for free.

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