Makes mom proud

Sofia Coppola’s beautiful daughter Romy takes off

23.05.2024 15:00

Director Sofia Coppola is delighted with her daughter Romy's debut as a musician. "So proud of Romy's first two songs released today," the 53-year-old wrote on Instagram with a photo showing Romy on a scooter.

The 17-year-old is the daughter of Sofia Coppola and French musician Thomas Mars (47), lead singer of the French band Phoenix. She was born in Paris.

The two pop songs "Stuck Up" and "From a Distance" can be heard online on YouTube and elsewhere; they were produced by the musician Claud.

With grandpa in Cannes
Last week, Romy Mars accompanied her grandpa, Francis Ford Coppola, to the red carpet premiere of the film "Megalopolis" in Cannes. The 17-year-old also plays a small role in the film.

Family ties: Romy Mars and sister Cosima Mars with uncle Roman Coppola, grandpa Francis Ford Coppola and great-aunt Talia Shire in Cannes (Bild: APA/AFP/Valery HACHE)
Family ties: Romy Mars and sister Cosima Mars with uncle Roman Coppola, grandpa Francis Ford Coppola and great-aunt Talia Shire in Cannes

Sofia Coppola has also appeared in one of her father's many films: as a baby, she was seen as a newborn boy in his cult trilogy "The Godfather".

Oscar for "Lost in Translation"
After forays into the world of fashion and photography, Coppola made her directorial debut in 1999 with the literary adaptation "The Virgin Suicides". This was followed four years later by the drama "Lost in Translation", which won her an Oscar for Best Screenplay.

Listen to it here: This is what Romy Mars' song "Stuck Up" sounds like:

The 53-year-old lives in New York. She has a second daughter with her husband Thomas Mars.

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