Two years of training

Fire department divers face extreme situations

25.05.2024 18:45

Poor visibility, breathing with compressed air cylinders under stress and an unfamiliar environment - emergency divers have to keep a cool head under extreme conditions. This is what the divers of the Klagenfurt fire department are trained for. But not everyone is suitable for this job.

Four firefighters from the Klagenfurt professional fire department have now successfully completed the first step towards facing these challenges in the future. "The training is not only physically demanding, but also mentally," explains Deputy Fire Director Wolfgang Germ. "Not everyone can do it. Everything looks very different underwater." When the four new divers have completed their training after two years, 18 divers will be ready for operations in Carinthia.

They practise together with the police on a regular basis. (Bild: Berufsfeuerwehr Klagenfurt)
They practise together with the police on a regular basis.
A cool head is also required for the theoretical examination. (Bild: Berufsfeuerwehr Klagenfurt)
A cool head is also required for the theoretical examination.
The four new emergency divers have successfully completed the first stage of their training. (Bild: Berufsfeuerwehr Klagenfurt)
The four new emergency divers have successfully completed the first stage of their training.

With the lift to the helicopter
"Three divers are always on standby - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When the alarm is raised, they travel by helicopter or submersible to locations all over Carinthia," Germ continues. "We even have a cooperation with the UKH Klagenfurt. When the alarm is raised, the divers can take the lift to the roof in full gear and board the police helicopter there." Additional equipment is brought in by road with the "TAUCH" emergency vehicle.

To ensure that everything works quickly and without complications in the event of an alarm, the divers repeatedly train for emergencies together with the police helicopter in various scenarios.

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