Pro-Palestine protest

Police clear occupied university in Berlin

23.05.2024 23:03

In Berlin, police cleared the occupied building at Humboldt University on Thursday (see video above). Around 150 activists had been protesting against the actions of the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and for solidarity with Palestine.

The occupation was declared over late on Thursday evening. Some of the activists had left voluntarily, while others had to be taken away. The police forcibly opened the locked and partially barricaded doors and escorted people outside. There they established the identities of the demonstrators. According to an eyewitness, the atmosphere was angry. According to initial information, there were no injuries.

Around 150 activists protested for solidarity with Palestine, some of them wearing masks. (Bild: AP/Markus Schreiber)
Around 150 activists protested for solidarity with Palestine, some of them wearing masks.
At least 23 of them were arrested. (Bild: AFP/John MacDougall)
At least 23 of them were arrested.
Police in front of the occupied building (Bild: AFP/John MacDougall)
Police in front of the occupied building

Property damage and anti-Semitism
The police recorded damage to property and launched an investigation into anti-Semitic and inciting statements. The building had been occupied on Wednesday. On that day, officers arrested 23 pro-Palestinian demonstrators and initiated 25 criminal investigations.

Here you can see a tweet from Humboldt University.

The protests were directed against the actions of the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip, but also partly against the Israeli government as a whole. University President Julia von Blumenthal met with squatters and staff on Thursday.

Mayor: "No lawless spaces"
Berlin's mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) was among those who criticized this approach. Universities are "not lawless spaces for anti-Semites and terror sympathizers." There have been repeated protests at German universities against Israel's actions in the war. Just a few weeks ago, the police broke up an occupation at the Free University of Berlin.

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