A journey through time

Film off: Salzburg’s cinemas with historical flair

20.05.2024 12:00

In the countryside, tradition is only maintained at a few locations: A journey through time from Hallein to Mittersill and into Lungau.

The Lichtspiele Mittersill is a prime example of a cinema world as it was in the old days: small but beautiful. The cinema business was more of a hobby than a ringing cash register. Josef Schnöll did not let the 2005 floods get him down and decided to keep his grandfather's tradition alive.

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I am continuing my grandfather's tradition and see our house as an art house cinema. The children's films on Sundays are particularly popular.

Josef Schnöll, Kinobetreiber in Mittersill, stellt das Programm selbst zusammen

We see ourselves as an arthouse cinema," says Schnöll, who continues to run the theater with a keen sense for the art of film. 78 seats are available on three days per week.

The Lichtspiele Mittersill already offered entertainment and diversion in the 1920s (Bild: Kino Mittersill)
The Lichtspiele Mittersill already offered entertainment and diversion in the 1920s
Founders Felix and Theresia Schnöll, 1927 (Bild: Kino Mittersill)
Founders Felix and Theresia Schnöll, 1927

Anyone digging through the archives in Hallein will find an equally long cinema tradition: in 1921, the Hallein Invalids' Organization was granted a cinema license. It was officially opened in 1925 and the first sound film was shown in 1931. Today, the town maintains the cinema in combination with an event venue. "We have around 20,000 visitors a year in the cinema alone," reveals cinema manager Andreas Klimitsch. The program is created externally: Arthouse movies are shown, but also blockbusters.

Hallein also has a long cinema history (Bild: Tröster Andreas)
Hallein also has a long cinema history

In Radstadt, the cultural association has once again set up a cinema in the old town tower. And in Lungau, the cultural initiative in Tamsweg advertises what is probably the smallest cinema in Austria. The large auditorium has 27 seats, the small one just 17, and there is still a hand-drawn seating plan at the entrance. "There's no mega attendance possible," says Robert Wimmer.

Tradition lives on here despite the streaming boom: in Tamsweg, Marcella Wieland and Edith Bogensperger guide you through what is probably the smallest cinema in Austria (Bild: Holitzky Roland)
Tradition lives on here despite the streaming boom: in Tamsweg, Marcella Wieland and Edith Bogensperger guide you through what is probably the smallest cinema in Austria
Tradition lives on here despite the streaming boom: in Tamsweg, Marcella Wieland and Edith Bogensperger guide you through what is probably the smallest cinema in Austria (Bild: Holitzky Roland)
Tradition lives on here despite the streaming boom: in Tamsweg, Marcella Wieland and Edith Bogensperger guide you through what is probably the smallest cinema in Austria

From French crime comedies to Austrian films, everything is shown - except blockbusters. And: "The quality of the cinematic trappings is as high as ever," laughs Wimmer. This includes delicacies from the region.

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