Forest fire in Wildalpen

Last hope: a change in the weather soon!

13.04.2024 19:56

For two weeks now, various emergency organizations have been working continuously to fight the forest fire in Wildalpen. On Saturday there was also active support from police helicopters. Despite the combined forces, it may not be "fire out" until next week.

The firefighting operations of the fire department take place in alpine and impassable terrain. This also requires intensive support from the air. "On Saturday, two police helicopters were available for the fire department and mountain rescue teams. At times, a total of three police helicopters from different federal states were on site at the same time," reported the Styrian Provincial Police Directorate.

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We are trained for such operations and are used to them, but they are still very demanding

Pilot Erwin Groß

The intensive firefighting measures could soon receive support "from above". The unusually summery temperatures are expected to be followed by a change in the weather next week. "However, the firefighting work is still in full swing and will most likely continue until at least Tuesday," say the firefighters on site.

Support from the air is indispensable
The fact that support from the air is indispensable is demonstrated by the Styrian police helicopter. Since the outbreak of the fire in Wildalpen, the helicopter has been in almost continuous operation for a total of 13 days with around 50 flight hours. During this time, the helicopter crews flew water, material and personnel.

There is no question that this type of operation is also stressful for the police helicopter crew. "For us, mutual support during such operations is the top priority. The cooperation with a wide variety of emergency organizations runs smoothly. We are trained for such missions and are used to them, but they are still very demanding," says pilot Erwin Groß.

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