The law has been passed

Smoking pot will be legal in Germany from April 1!

22.03.2024 13:05

From April 1, marijuana may be legally consumed in Germany. A law launched by Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) passed the final hurdle in the chamber of the federal states on Friday. This means that on April 1, possession and cultivation of the drug will be permitted for adults with numerous requirements for personal consumption.

In order to avert failure, the German government had recently promised to amend some regulations retrospectively. The turning point in drug policy can therefore come into force in a few days on Easter Monday. The law still has to be officially promulgated once it has been signed by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

50 grams and three live plants legal
It will be legal for adults aged 18 and over to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for personal consumption. Three live cannabis plants would be permitted in the home and up to 50 grams of cannabis for personal use. Smoking weed in public spaces is to be banned in schools, sports facilities and within sight of them - specifically within 100 meters of the entrance as the crow flies.

The law also permits non-commercial "cultivation associations" for adults, in which up to 500 members resident in Germany grow cannabis collectively and supply it to each other for personal consumption - with a maximum of 50 grams per member per month. No later than 18 months after the law comes into force, an initial assessment of its impact on the protection of children and young people is to be presented.

Lauterbach: "Fighting the black market"
Health Minister Karl Lauterbach emphasized before the vote: "We are not introducing cannabis to Germany with this law. Consumption in Germany has risen sharply in recent years," Lauterbach said in his speech to the state parliament, reports Bild.

Now we need to "rethink" and combat the black market. The minister also said: "I myself have been an opponent of cannabis legalization for many years. I have changed my mind."

The new regulation is not welcomed everywhere. Bavaria's Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU) called the law a mistake. It also presents the federal states with a massive additional administrative and enforcement burden.

Criticism of marijuana amnesty
There was also criticism of the planned amnesty for ongoing proceedings against marijuana users. Several countries identified a possible overload of the judiciary due to case reviews. For this reason, some subsequent changes to the law are now to be implemented before July 1.

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