No shame!

Start-up now gives away “toilet paper with added value”

15.03.2024 17:00

Everyone has to go to the loo. That's where people like to read. And bargain hunting is the number one popular sport in times of rising prices. How do you reconcile all of this in the toilet? The "Krone" knows.

"People like to read in the toilet. Even more than anywhere else," says Jürgen Hriza. The young entrepreneur from Schwechat has even studied the preferences of Lower Austrians in this regard: men prefer to browse through daily newspapers, computer magazines or erotic magazines, while women prefer to browse through magazines. However, advertising brochures and flyers with special offers are equally popular with both sexes for reading in the quiet little place.

Searching for bargains at the "Häusl"
This is exactly what Hriza and his business and life partner Verena Mariel are now exploiting as a business model: "In times of inflation, everyone is on the lookout for bargains. And everyone goes to the toilet a few times a day. So why not combine the necessary with the useful?" No sooner said than done. Schwechater simply prints advertising on toilet paper, which is then made available to the end consumer free of charge as toilet reading material.

Zitat Icon

With the advertising message on our high-quality, three-ply toilet paper, companies have an original opportunity to leave a lasting impression on their customers - and up close and personal.

Verena Mariel

With the smartphone at the toilet
Of course, Hriza and Mariel also move with the times. Because 58% of 24 to 42-year-olds already take their smartphone with them to the toilet, every printed advertisement features a QR code alongside the company logo. "As soon as you scan this with your cell phone, you are redirected to the websites of the companies listed and can browse through all the bargains and job offers there," explain the company founders.

Free home delivery
And how do you get the unusual "Häusl" reading material? Interested parties only need to register at They will then receive a box of ten "toilet paper rolls with added value" delivered to their home conveniently and free of charge every month. And a service like this pays off: After all, the average person uses 3661 rolls of toilet paper in a lifetime.

Giving away toilet paper: Jürgen Hriza and his team (Bild: Petra Klikovits)
Giving away toilet paper: Jürgen Hriza and his team

Sample pack to take away
On Saturday, March 16, 2024, you can see the toilet paper for yourself in Schwechat - and even take a sample pack for your toilet at home. The distribution campaign starts at 10 a.m. at the INJOY fitness studio at Himbergerstraße 11.

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