Now DNA comparison

Despite autopsy: identity of burnt body unclear

15.03.2024 12:22

The identity of the body discovered on Thursday in a burnt-down old farmhouse in the Tyrolean Wildschönau (Kufstein district) remains unclear. Even an autopsy could not clarify whether it was actually the deceased resident. Now a DNA match is to solve the mystery.

"The autopsy has now taken place. However, the identity could not be clarified," said Philipp Rapold from the LKA Tirol on Friday afternoon when asked by "Krone". The body was badly burnt and attempts will now be made to clarify the identity by means of DNA comparison.

Cause of fire also still unclear
This could now take some time. It is not yet possible to estimate when a result can be expected, Rapold continued. The cause of the fire is also still completely unclear. Investigators from the State Office of Criminal Investigation were still on site with experts on Friday.

The old farmhouse in the Oberau district caught fire at around 2 a.m. on Thursday night. More than 100 firefighters from all over the region battled the inferno of flames. The fire was only finally extinguished during the course of the day.

Great fear for one resident
One of the two residents was thought to be missing. The police had already told the "Krone" newspaper on Thursday morning that it could not be ruled out that this person was still in the building when the fire broke out. In the afternoon, a body was finally discovered in the ruins of the fire. However, final certainty regarding the identity will probably only be provided by DNA comparison.

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