Posters in Innsbruck

Wild growth in the forest of signs: appeal to BM Willi

15.03.2024 12:00

The Tyrolean capital is currently being plastered with election posters: rules are not always adhered to. Mayor Georg Willi (Greens) is now being called upon to put a stop to the goings-on.

Posters are currently being put up all over Innsbruck. At the last election in 2018, a list of criteria was agreed, according to which certain rules should be adhered to. However, this has apparently been lost in the turbulent six years.

A false start
It all began with the fact that the process started far too early. Building committee chairman Lucas Krackl (FI) points out in an interview with the "Krone" that, according to the election regulations, posters may only be put up exactly six weeks before the election. "A fact that the SPÖ, KPÖ and Neos have apparently deliberately ignored," says Krackl.

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Let's hope that no bark damage occurs. Wouldn't be the first trees to be destroyed under green politics.

FI-Klubobmann Lucas Krackl

Posters everywhere, even in gardens
What bothers him much more than these "illegal posters", however, is the fact that "the otherwise so environmentally friendly Green faction put up plastic posters on trees. Let's hope that no bark damage occurs. Wouldn't be the first trees to be destroyed under green politics," Krackl recalls of the Bolzano square. According to Krackl, posters were even "planted" in private gardens - and had to be removed again after the owners protested.

"I appeal to all competitors to adhere to the known rules and not to place posters on trees, traffic facilities or in places where visibility is restricted so as not to endanger the safety of road users," says the building committee chairman.

FPÖ complains about vandalism
Poster vandalism is also a recurring phenomenon. "We can hardly keep up, even the newest posters are graffitied and destroyed within a short space of time," complain Deputy Mayor Markus Lassenberger and City Party Chairman Rudi Federspiel. "We are considering whether video surveillance would be a viable option," says Federspiel. With regard to putting up posters, he urges the Greens in particular to "comply with the applicable legal provisions". BM Willi must put a stop to the "poster madness".

The deadline for submitting election proposals in Innsbruck ends on Friday. Around a dozen lists have announced their candidacy to date. On March 27, the electoral authority will decide on the admissibility and ranking of the election proposals.

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