Putin optimistic:

Sanctions “create certain opportunities for us”

25.05.2024 10:01

Russia's President Vladimir Putin can also take some positives from the sanctions imposed on his country. "They create certain development opportunities for us (...)", he said on Friday.

The ruler cited expertise in the field of high technology as examples. At the same time, the Russian president pointed out that the sanctions would "naturally create certain problems". "We see and feel that." According to Putin, 16,000 different sanctions have now been imposed as a result of the war. That is more than against any other country in the world.

On Friday, the Russian president spoke with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko about economic cooperation. "Everything is stable and going well for us."

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Mikhail Sinitsyn)
Russian President Vladimir Putin
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Everything is stable and going well for us.

Russlands Machthaber Wladimir Putin

As reported , Putin is said to be ready for a ceasefire in Ukraine for the first time. However, he has since rowed back on this point. One obstacle is that the five-year term of office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has already expired. As martial law is in force, the Ukrainian parliament had not scheduled any new presidential elections. Zelenskyi will now remain in office until new elections can be held.

"Selensky's legitimacy is over"
"Who should we negotiate with? That's an idle question," said Putin, who has already started his fifth term in office and had the constitution amended specifically for this purpose. In any case, the talks should "reflect today's realities on the ground", which have developed on the ground (see video above).

Around a fifth of Ukraine is currently occupied. The government of the war-torn country repeatedly emphasizes that the withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory is a condition for lasting peace.

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