Salzburg League

Seekirchen stay on the throne overnight, Kuchl under pressure

24.05.2024 22:23

With difficulty, but with difficulty: Seekirchen defeated a decimated Grödiger at the start of the 27th Salzburg League round and is thus at the top overnight. Kuchl will face Puch on Saturday.

Grödig paid a high price for the supplementary win against Kuchl on Tuesday, giving up just under half a team against runners-up Seekirchen on Friday. But: "We struggled," said the ultimately victorious coach of Wallerseer, Mario Lapkalo. The visitors took the lead through Musljija (26'), and Würtinger (45') and Büchele (56') turned the game around after resting balls. With their sixth win in a row, the Flachgau club climbed to first place overnight. "Cool. Nice to be able to see that. It's the first time this year," said Lapkalo.

Fingers crossed for Puch on Saturday. In the event of a points tie, Seekirchen remain top because they emerged victorious from the direct duel against Kuchl. Grödig, meanwhile, felt cheated out of points: "Seekirchen themselves admitted that the set-pieces were not preceded by fouls," said coach Arsim Deliu. In addition, the penalty alarm sounded twice - without consequences.

Season goal achieved
At the same time, Hallein achieved their goal for the season (to finish in the top five) and can no longer be displaced from third place after the 2-0 win against Siezenheim. After a tired first half, the visitors ran out of steam in the final stages. Ayetigbo (70') and Vurbic (77') secured the win. The only bitter thing: Hallein talent Rahmanovic tore his cruciate ligament during the week. "But he'll be back, the club supports him," said sporting director David König. At Siezenheim, coach Peter Urbanek saw "60, 70 good minutes". Hatzer made an impressive debut as a central defender, but former professional Sturm was ruled out again (knee ligament).

At the same time, Eugendorf beat relegated Adnet 3:1. "Nothing special, we did our duty," said sporting director Christof Kopleder. "There was more in it, but the team is intact," said Adnet coach Gerhard Perlak.

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