Salzburg AG

Too late and too little: criticism of electricity price reduction

25.05.2024 08:00

Despite the late reduction in electricity and gas prices, the Salzburg Chamber of Labor is still hoping for positive effects on inflation. For Salzburg's communists, the timing is incomprehensible despite the energy company's record profits.

Salzburg AG's electricity and gas prices will be reduced next fall as reported. "Of course this is relatively late," says Chamber of Labor President Peter Eder, who would have liked to see the reduction not only earlier but also larger. However, he can partly understand the timing because the federal government's price brake will be active until then. Eder hopes that the reduction will finally have a dampening effect on inflation. The AK boss would like to see an even lower electricity price, especially in view of the continuing price increases.

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As long as people are groaning under inflation to such an extent, they need lower electricity prices.

AK-Präsident Peter Eder

He sees the planned investments by Salzburg AG as positive. These would also benefit customers and provide a boost to the economy. Deputy Mayor Kay-Michael Dankl (KPÖ Plus) criticized the timing and amount of the reduction. "It would be possible to reduce the rates significantly more, as can be seen in other federal states," says Dankl. In Carinthia, for example, the price is a quarter cheaper than in Salzburg. For him, there also needs to be a discussion about how dividends are paid out.

"However, I understand the people of Salzburg who are annoyed because the millions in profits come from the households," says the city's deputy mayor. After all, Salzburg AG achieved a record result in 2023 thanks to high prices.

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