Drastic measure

Lueg Bridge: The expropriation procedure is now underway

25.05.2024 07:00

This week, Asfinag submitted the corresponding application to the state's department for traffic and cable car law. The hearing will take place on June 12 at the Brenner Pass.

In order to be able to carry out the general renovation of the bridge on the Brenner highway, Asfinag must take up land. However, an agreement under private law with the municipality of Gries am Brenner was not reached, so Asfinag has now been forced to take this step.
"No more time to lose"
"Due to the poor condition of the Luegbrücke bridge, there is no more time to lose," says Asfinag Managing Director Stefan Siegele, explaining the application for expropriation. This was sent to the municipality of Gries yesterday.

"The oral hearing in the proceedings is scheduled for 12 June at the Brenner Safety Center," said Bernhard Knapp, Head of the Province's Traffic and Cableway Law Department, on Friday. Experts will now have to examine how much space is absolutely necessary for the construction work. In addition, the amount of compensation will be determined - also by experts.

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The hearing is scheduled for June 12 at the Brenner Safety Center.

Bernhard Knapp, Leiter Abteilung Verkehrs- und Seilbahnrecht, Land Tirol 

According to information from the Landhaus, a total of around 21,000 square meters are at stake. The land directly under the bridge had to be purchased, part of the area was needed for servitudes and another part was only required temporarily. A total of eleven plots of land are affected.

Still hoping for an amicable agreement
Despite the initiation of proceedings, the state is still hoping for an amicable settlement between Asfinag and the municipality. Asfinag Managing Director Stefan Siegele echoes this sentiment: "Of course, we remain open to talks and hope that an agreement can be reached during the negotiations with the authorities."

Procedure takes around two months
According to the experts, the procedure could be completed within two months and the decision issued after this period. In terms of legal remedies, the municipality of Gries would then only have recourse to the regional administrative court. However, this would not have a suspensive effect.

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