Live at the Konzerthaus

Immanuel Wilkins: The hype star of modern jazz

26.05.2024 09:00

Between numerical mysticism, spirituality and a love of freedom, the 26-year-old alto saxophonist Immanuel Wilkins is so successful that he is already one of the biggest names on the modern jazz scene. He is now coming to the Wiener Konzerthaus with his famous album "The 7th Hand".

Playing in the Champions League of the genre at the tender age of 26 - that's something you have to achieve first. Alto saxophonist Immanuel Wilkins is not only one of the absolute shooting stars of the modern jazz scene, but is also regarded as an absolute master of his craft across all age and sub-genre boundaries. His debut album "Omega", released in 2020, was named Jazz Album of the Year by the renowned New York Times and made waves throughout the scene. Wilkins laid the foundations for his still more than stellar career as a child.

The triad of success
All the music was played at home and Wilkins' father initially flirted with a career as a trombonist or flautist himself. As an only child in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Immanuel enjoyed a normal life between music lessons, playing in the small family garden and attending church. It crystallized early on that all of this was to combine into a mixture of interests. The saxophone became his passion, his faith his great support, and the freedom of nature provided the inspiration that would lead to the vast, almost incomprehensible arrangements in his compositions.

With his second work "The 7th Hand", Wilkins will hit the big time in January 2022 - again on the renowned Blue Note label. In the jazz scene, the album is being received as a kind of Holy Grail and, together with his magnificent band, Wilkins shows in numbers such as "Don't Break", "Fugitive Ritual, Selah" and "Lighthouse" that jazz can be completely rethought and pieced together without losing sight of the spirit of its traditions. Fans and critics alike are enthusiastic about the spiritually tinged conceptual work, which moves between transcendental feelings and incomprehensible ambivalence.

Live at the Konzerthaus
After a celebrated performance at Porgy & Bess in 2022, the Viennese audience can now enjoy this sound art once again. The Immanuel Wilkins Quartet will present "The 7th Hand" on May 27 in the dignified setting of the Wiener Konzerthaus. There are still a few tickets available for this concert event at, which is definitely not to be missed.

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