Foreclosure auction

Elvis granddaughter Riley Keough fights for Graceland

22.05.2024 08:51

Elvis Presley's legendary estate Graceland threatens to go under the hammer on Thursday. Riley Keough, the granddaughter of the "King of Rock'n'Roll", is fighting with all her might against the foreclosure.

It is "fraud" that Graceland is to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, explained Keough according to the US media. As the current owner of Graceland, the 34-year-old actress and daughter of Lisa Marie Presley, who died last year, filed a lawsuit and obtained a temporary restraining order earlier this week.

Keough "traumatized"
As an insider told the New York Post, Keough is "traumatized" because she "never thought that this historic property could fall into the hands of some random stranger".

Graceland is to be foreclosed. Riley Keough has filed a lawsuit against this and obtained a temporary injunction. (Bild: APA/AP Photo/Brandon Dill, File)
Graceland is to be foreclosed. Riley Keough has filed a lawsuit against this and obtained a temporary injunction.

The foreclosure is said to be triggered by an alleged land charge from 2018. At the time, Lisa Marie, daughter of Elvis and Priscilla Presley, had taken out a loan of 3.8 million dollars and put Graceland up as collateral.

Presley is said not to have taken out a loan
Naussany Investments and Private Lending, a company based in the US state of Missouri, claims that Lisa Marie Presley did not repay the loan before her death last year. Keough, however, insists her mother never borrowed money from the company.

Riley Keough with mom Lisa Marie Presley (Bild: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
Riley Keough with mom Lisa Marie Presley

The lawsuit describes the documents as "fraudulent". Naussany is also accused of not being a legitimate company. The notary named on the documents also denies having notarized Lisa Marie Presley's signature or ever having met her.

Graceland attracts visitors
Graceland has been family-owned since 1957. Back then, Elvis Presley bought the estate for 102,500 dollars. After his death, Graceland went to his only child, daughter Lisa Marie. Now Keough is responsible for the 13.8-hectare estate, which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

Ten months after Lisa Marie's death in January 2023, her eldest daughter Riley Keough became the sole trustee of the family estate after winning a legal battle with her grandmother Priscilla Presley.

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