"DNA tests in practice"

Family reunification: Greens criticize DNA tests

06.05.2024 14:30

The Greens are not enthusiastic about Nehammer's proposal for DNA tests for family reunification of asylum seekers (see video above). This is "already common practice" and does not involve "any change or improvement", the party said on Monday.

Instead, it would be more helpful to start where "excessive demands" are being made, for example on teachers who need support. The Vienna ÖVP teachers' union has already called for a suspension of family reunification. However, according to an expert in European and international law, this is not possible, nor is requiring knowledge of German before immigration.

Migrants (archive photo) (Bild: Klemens Groh, Krone KREATIV)
Migrants (archive photo)

Several hundred tests so far
In addition to the Greens, the SPÖ and organizations such as Asylkoordination Österreich also pointed out that DNA tests are already possible if there are doubts about the authenticity of documents. According to the Red Cross, which organizes these tests, several hundred tests have been carried out over the past 15 years. Only around 0.1 percent of these have come back negative.

The costs for the tests have to be borne by those entitled to asylum. SPÖ leader Andreas Babler is convinced that the documents submitted must be "very precise" and are "carefully" checked by the Austrian authorities. "I think it's a bit frivolous to offer things that already exist as news and then pretend that enforcement doesn't work," said Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) in the direction of Nehammer.

Only around 0.1 percent of DNA tests carried out so far have been negative (symbolic image). (Bild: ©H_Ko - stock.adobe.com)
Only around 0.1 percent of DNA tests carried out so far have been negative (symbolic image).

No consent necessary
However, the decree that the Chancellor wants to create does not require the consent of the coalition partner. In future, testing is to be made possible more frequently and "even on the slightest suspicion", the team at the Ministry of the Interior countered the criticism. For example, forged documents have been increasingly circulating in Syria for some time.

Currently, up to 900 applications for family reunification are submitted per month. Those who receive protection status in Austria are generally allowed to bring their immediate family with them. This includes children, spouses and parents.

The ÖVP is currently also considering introducing the ability to support oneself as a criterion for reunification. This means proving a certain income and a suitable living situation. This is legally possible, at least for adults.

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