Visit from Brussels

Inflation and migration: Parliament in European fever

21.03.2024 12:00

Thursday's parliamentary session was dominated by the EU: Members of the European Parliament spoke about inflation and illegal migration.

The European policy hour requested by the Freedom Party in the Carinthian state parliament had already caused discussion in the run-up to the debate. The EU parliamentarians of the Greens did not want to take part due to the choice of topics, while the Carinthian SPÖ feared an "election campaign event" by the Blue Party.

A visit to the Carinthian state parliament

  • Harald Vilimsky - Member of the European Parliament for the FPÖ
  • Hannes Heide - Member of the European Parliament for the SPÖ
  • Lukas Mandl - Member of the European Parliament for the ÖVP

How can we achieve a safe and affordable life? This was the question addressed by the political representatives on Thursday. And, as usual, their views on the subject are extremely diverse. While FPÖ parliamentary group chairman Erwin Angerer only needs the right politicians "to represent the interests of their own country", SPÖ parliamentary group chairman Herwig Seiser doubts that "there are such simple solutions as are being pretended". According to ÖVP MP Herbert Gaggl, what will certainly not lead to a safe life is "scaremongering, dividing society or violence in language", as he accuses the Freedom Party of doing. Meanwhile, Team Carinthia leader Gerhard Köfer addressed the high inflation rate in Austria - also in comparison to the EU. "Has the federal government taken any countermeasures against inflation?" he asked himself and immediately gave himself the answer: "No - and if so, then only small things!"

Heated tempers in EU discussion
The tone became harsher when the MEPs had their say. In his usual manner, Vilimsky (FPÖ) lashed out against the SPÖ and ÖVP - but also against the Greens, who were not present. There was also a battle of words between Heide (SPÖ) and the Carinthian FP parliamentary group: "The EU asylum system is not broken - because there isn't one!" said Heide. Although he himself is in favor of a functioning external border protection system, he did not want to put up with the Blue Party's heckling: "Even in the EU Parliament, the speaker is listened to, and there are significantly more MEPs sitting there."

"At the end of the EU period, there is a lot of light and a lot of shadow," Lukas Mandl (ÖVP) then summarized and explained: "Above all, the EU's overregulation and prohibition policy must be stopped."

Governor Peter Kaiser has a clear position on the debate: "We need a strong EU!" Also to work together for peace in Ukraine and to play a role in a world of 8 billion people.

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Do you want Putin to win the war?

Hannes Heide, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (SPÖ)

The war in Ukraine was also a major topic. Vilimsky sees himself as an ambassador for peace, wants to "stop the dying" and is critical of the EU's aid to Ukraine. "Do you want Putin to win the war?" Heide asked the Blue Party. Vilimsky pleaded for Austria's and his own neutrality. Mandl compared support for Ukraine to the fire department being sent to a fire: "If there's a fire somewhere, you send the fire department!"

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