Observers report:

Russians punished for “false” ballots

18.03.2024 15:39

Election observers from the independent Russian organization Golos have now reported unprecedented violations in the presidential election. "We have never seen a presidential election that has so poorly met the standards of the constitution," the organization announced on Monday.

The entire state apparatus relied on propaganda, coercion and voter control. Fear-mongering and violence were even used to introduce wartime censorship. Especially on Sunday, the last day of the three-day vote, security forces punished voters for "incorrectly" filling out ballot papers. People were also forced to break the secrecy of the ballot. "There has never been an election like this before."

No access to polling stations
Independent observers were not even allowed into the polling stations, nor were they allowed to view video surveillance footage. In previous elections in Russia, videos were published on the internet showing, for example, ballot boxes stuffed with ballot papers that had already been filled out in advance.

Observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were also not invited this time. Their assessment is important in order for a result to be recognized internationally. In last week's election, it was impossible for the population to form a free will and express it, said the organization Golos. Therefore, the results could not reflect the mood.

Another decade in power?
As reported , Russian President Vladimir Putin received 87.3 percent of the vote for his fifth term in office - more than ever before (see video above). Back in 2020, the ruler had the constitution amended to allow himself additional terms in office. Originally, only two were permitted. According to the current constitution, Putin will be allowed to run for a sixth and final term in 2030.
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