Mayor Auinger

“Salzburg doesn’t need this advertising value”

27.05.2024 15:30

Bernhard Auinger, head of the provincial capital's sports department, spoke to the "Krone" newspaper about Red Bull, the Giro d'Italia and "essential" projects. He also answered some very personal questions.

"Krone": Mr. Auinger, is Salzburg a city of sport or a city of culture?
Bernhard Auinger: Still a city of culture. But I believe that we have proven that it is possible to make Salzburg a city of sport. If you look at the projects and events of the past five or six years, I think we have achieved a great deal. Sometimes we've also been lucky that athletes like Dominic Thiem (Salzburg Open) and Jakob Pöltl (international basketball matches) were here at the time. Initiatives have been launched in cycling. We are in talks with the Tour of Austria to hold a stage on the Gaisberg every two years. But I don't want to deprive the people of St. Johann of the Tour, that's not the point.

What about one of the three big tours like the Giro d'Italia? The advertising value would be many times higher
I always say to all organizers: Don't tell me about the advertising value. The city of Salzburg, which is really well used for tourism, doesn't need this advertising value. That's not meant to sound arrogant. But if it does, then we need these sporting events for sport and for young people. I think the Tour of Austria is more realistic, not only in terms of costs, but also in terms of timing. But: If there is a good concept for the Giro and the country is also interested, I am also prepared to be a partner.

Is there still room for other events in the city, and what would they be?
It would be cool if we went in the direction of athletics (e.g. pole vaulting, please note) or winter sports. But that's difficult in times of climate change because it attracts criticism. The ice training hall and indoor swimming pool projects have priority. We have to do them! The talents absolutely need infrastructure.

The mayor in person

Who was your sporting role model?
Thomas Muster, even though I never really played tennis myself. I was fascinated by the way he struggled. That's why he became number one.

Who is Salzburg's greatest athlete of all time?
Marcel Hirscher, he was an exceptional figure and an incredible tinkerer. In my opinion, he could have mastered all disciplines.

Which sports do you follow?
Soccer, ice hockey and Formula 1. I get up at four in the morning for a Formula 1 training session. Who in the family shares this passion? My older daughter! As a small child, she spent a lot of time at sporting events. That must have been contagious. I've been camping with her twice at the Österreich-Ring in Spielberg. Alongside thousands of Dutch people. There was no sleep, but otherwise they were great experiences.

What sports do you do yourself?
After my second meniscus tear, I'm not running at the moment, but I'm in physiotherapy and at the gym. For me, running is a balance to being a politician. It keeps me moving and keeps me fit. Otherwise, we spend a lot of time in the mountains: ski tours, mountaineering, hiking.

Which soccer team do you root for?
In Germany, for me it's Werder Bremen. They've always had stability, especially when it comes to personnel. In Austria, I used to be a Tirol fan. Now it's clear that I'm rooting for Red Bull Salzburg.

What is the timetable for these projects?
If there is political unity, the new training hall will be ready in two to three years. We have to find a solution for the indoor pool in Lepi by 2027 or 2028, because that's when the Rif Olympic Center will be renovated. With regard to a sports hall: if we can make progress with the planning here during this period and perhaps break ground, then I think that's realistic.

What do you think about the solution for the stadium in Maxglan? You have been pushing Grödig for a long time.
I support the noise barrier, so this is also protected against residential construction. If 100 fewer apartments had been built, I wouldn't have been in favor of it. This is Austria's home, as long as everyone wants it and everyone plays along. But I don't believe that there will be a second soccer stadium in the city. I am firmly convinced of that.

What if Austria does want to move to Grödig?
Then I am still prepared to stand by my statements. That would also have to be well coordinated with my mayoral colleague Herbert Schober. A traffic solution is needed first, that was always the condition. We would take over the rent, then Austria would be relieved economically and would only have to pay the same things as in Maxglan. But the ticket revenue would be three times as high.

Tennis legend Thomas Muster fascinated the SPÖ city leader with his irrepressible will. (Bild: GEPA pictures/Ingrid Gerencser)
Tennis legend Thomas Muster fascinated the SPÖ city leader with his irrepressible will.
Auinger (left) also spoke to the "Krone" in his office about the stadium of soccer club Austria Salzburg. (Bild: Andreas Tröster)
Auinger (left) also spoke to the "Krone" in his office about the stadium of soccer club Austria Salzburg.

What do you think about Red Bull's monopoly position in Salzburg sport?
When it comes to infrastructure, I think we have a duty as a province and as a city. In the past, I've always had the feeling: "Red Bull is already doing it." See the ice arena, stadium, etc. At the same time, you have to differentiate between the group and the sports company. They are two different philosophies. Managing Director Oliver Mintzlaff is very enthusiastic about Salzburg. I believe that this guarantees us that they are also investing in the location here. What they offer can be seen internationally. From that point of view, we can consider ourselves lucky.

What do you want people to say about you after your term of office?
That the mayor has continued to promote sport together with the state and that Salzburg has made progress towards becoming a sports city. That there is something for popular and amateur sport, but that we also offer infrastructure for top-class sport. That's what I want to be measured by. We have construction sites for ice, swimming and tennis.

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