Opening planned for 2026

Hotel giant on board for Seeviertel construction

23.05.2024 10:00

The luxury hotel "Das Gmundner" with 132 beds is set to open its doors on Lake Traunsee in late fall 2026. Marriott, the world's largest hotel chain, is pulling the strings and taking care of the bookings. The new prestige project on Lake Traunsee could also benefit enormously from the many loyal regular customers.

In two years at the latest, the new lakeside district in Gmunden should be completed. The developers of the Soravia Group expect the green light from the authorities for the start of construction by the end of the year. The centerpiece of the new district will be the luxury hotel "Das Gmundner", which is also scheduled to open in 2026.

Hotel guests will have 132 rooms and 16 suites at their disposal. The price for one night will be between 200 and 250 euros, depending on the time of year. "The restaurant, wellness area and bread and pastry stall will also be open to the public. The top floor can also be rented for private parties," says Stefan Massa, who is realizing the hotel project for Soravia.

8700 hotels worldwide
The Marriott hotel chain was brought on board as licensor. The US company is the world's largest hotel group with 8,700 hotels.

Stefan Massa and Tim Zeichhardt (right) are realizing the hotel project. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Stefan Massa and Tim Zeichhardt (right) are realizing the hotel project.

"Marriott remains in the background, while the lake and the regional influence are at the forefront of 'Das Gmundner'," assures Tim Zeichhart, who is responsible for hotel developments in Austria, Germany and Switzerland at Marriott.

The new lakeside district is being built on the banks of Lake Traun. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
The new lakeside district is being built on the banks of Lake Traun.

The hotel chain will play an important role in reservations, among other things. "We have 220 million members worldwide in our Bonvoy loyalty program. Many members are loyal Marriott customers, and this will also have a positive impact on Gmunden," says Zeichhart.

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