Semlic new WSG coach

“We already want to move away from the goal of staying in the league”

23.05.2024 06:00

Shortly after midday on Wednesday, what had been no secret since Tuesday morning became official: Philipp Semlic will lead WSG Tirol as their main coach for the next two years (at least). With anticipation and in the knowledge that a lot of work awaits him and will come his way.

His small family (wife and three-year-old daughter) took a seat away from the podium on the cozy couch in the green and white press room. This was not the only reason why Philipp Semlic (formerly with Lafnitz and St. Pölten in the second division) was beaming from ear to ear. The Styrian about . . .

. .. his first impressions. "Extremely positive, time-consuming. I had a good feeling from the first conversation."

. . . the big shoes to fill (Thomas Silberberger). "Thomas has done an outstanding job here - there's no question about that! I haven't had any contact with him yet, but I'd be very happy if it worked out. But I have to go my own way anyway."

. . . his new team. "I watched the game against WAC on TV - respect for the coach dictated that I wasn't in the stadium. Now that many contracts are expiring and some departures are fixed - we have to take a close look, also because we don't have infinite possibilities. The resources we deploy have to be right. That's only possible with a clear philosophy."

. . . his (players') wishes. "That we will have the entire squad available at the start of training on June 19 is romantic thinking. 90 percent is our goal."

The new soccer coach also outed himself as a ski fan at the first press conference. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
The new soccer coach also outed himself as a ski fan at the first press conference.

. . . the idea of his soccer. "Proactive, with high intensity and a clear structure. We are committed to the future. People always talk about Guardiola's possession soccer and Salzburg's pressing - I think it's possible to find a mixture. Even if it's difficult. We want to get away from this goal of staying in the league."

. .. about Philipp S. "I'm down-to-earth, family-oriented and don't want to leave anything to chance. Like WSG Tirol, like Stefan Köck - we speak the same language!"

. . . the "belated" Bundesliga premiere. "The steps have to be carefully considered. Of course I've had opportunities to take the step into the top flight before - but I'm happy with my career."

. . . his home ground Tivoli. "I had some great moments here as a guest club. Of course I know what it was like for Wattens here in the past. But personally, I'm really looking forward to the stadium."

. . . his passion. (laughs) "It goes well with Tirol. I'm a passionate skier (note: he also successfully passed the ski instructor exam as part of his sports science degree!) My daughter will probably learn it too."

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read the original article here.

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