Mechanics exposed

Next Boeing breakdown: aircraft loses part of fuselage

16.03.2024 12:18

The series of Boeing aircraft breakdowns continues unabated. A United Airlines aircraft has lost a cover on its fuselage during flight. The damage to the Boeing 737-800 was only discovered on the ground.

According to United, the plane landed safely on Friday evening in the city of Medford in the state of Oregon. The local newspaper "Rogue Valley Times" had previously published an eyewitness photo showing exposed mechanics.

Investigation announced
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that it would investigate the latest incident involving the Boeing 737-800's exterior paneling. During the inspection of the aircraft after landing, a missing part was discovered. The airline announced that it would thoroughly inspect the aircraft and make all necessary repairs before returning it to service.

The missing panel exposed the mechanics:

According to United, the plane had taken off from San Francisco with 139 passengers and six crew members. Judging by the boarding number from another eyewitness photo, the plane had entered service in 1998.

Aircraft manufacturer in crisis
Boeing is currently under increased scrutiny after an almost new 737-9 Max aircraft lost a fuselage section during a climb after take-off at the beginning of January. According to initial investigations, the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) assumes that four fastening bolts were missing from the torn-out fuselage fragment. However, in a 25-year-old aircraft like the United plane currently involved, maintenance or material fatigue are likely to play a greater role than production.

Over a week ago, a United Airlines Boeing 777 lost a wheel on take-off in San Francisco. The plane with around 250 people on board, which was supposed to fly to Japan, landed in Los Angeles a little later on Thursday (local time) without any problems. United emphasized that passenger planes are designed to land with missing or damaged tires. Problems with tires that are exposed to extreme loads occur from time to time with aircraft from various manufacturers and airlines.
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