Transmitted by hares

Infection for dogs is spreading in Germany

15.03.2024 17:01

A case of rabbit plague was recently reported in North Rhine-Westphalia. This is a highly contagious disease that can also be dangerous for dogs and humans. Hare plague was detected in a dead hare in the city of Aachen.

The disease can also be transmitted by other rodents, for example through bites or when working with agricultural products such as hay and grain if they have rodent excrement or carcasses. "Transmission through contaminated food or water is possible", according to the website of the Austrian Agency for Food Safety (AGES).

Rare in Austria
Dogs can, for example, come across dead rodents while walking and become infected. If humans have close contact with an infected animal, they can also become infected. The disease, which is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, occurs throughout the northern hemisphere, but is rather rare in Germany and Austria. In Austria, 35 cases of the disease were reported in humans in 2022, and tularaemia was confirmed in nine hares in the previous year.

Symptoms such as tiredness and fever
Possible symptoms in humans include chills, headaches and aching limbs, fever and painful swelling of the lymph nodes. A painless ulcer usually develops at the site of contact. In dogs, symptoms may include fatigue, fever and lack of appetite.

The disease can be treated with antibiotics. A severe form is threatened by a species in North America. To prevent it in the first place, veterinary authorities recommend keeping dogs on a lead and keeping them away from wild rodents. Infected four-legged friends can move unusually and show no escape behavior.

People should also keep their distance from dead hares and rodents and inform the veterinary office. Care should be taken to ensure that game dishes are cooked thoroughly and hunters should adhere to strict hygiene measures. AGES recommends, for example, that dead hares and rabbits should be handled with gloves and packed securely.

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