"Protection of sovereignty"

Despite EU proceedings: Hungary sticks to the law

07.02.2024 19:22

The next dispute with Brussels has begun: with the new sovereignty protection law, the Hungarian government wants to prevent "foreign interference" in the country's political processes. However, the EU Commission fears that the new law and a new authority will violate freedom of expression and other fundamental European rights. Despite EU proceedings that have already been initiated, Budapest intends to stick to the law.

The eloquent reaction from the office of the Secretary of State for International Communications was not long in coming: "Brussels and the dollar left are attacking the Sovereignty Protection Act precisely because its aim is to prevent foreign influence via the dollars rolling in from (US philanthropist George) Soros." 98 percent of Hungarians had agreed to this plan in a "national consultation", "which is why the Hungarian government is sticking to the Sovereignty Protection Act."

The "consultation" to which Zoltán Kovács referred is not a professional survey, but one of the government's many questionnaire campaigns, in which government supporters usually approve of government policy.

Brussels is now waiting for a response from Budapest
The new authority enshrined in the constitution has the task of "identifying and investigating organizations that receive funding from abroad and aim to influence the will of voters". According to the Commission, the law on the protection of sovereignty and the authority set up at the end of January restrict, among other things, "the right to the protection of personal data, freedom of expression and information, freedom of association and the right to vote of EU citizens", as stated in a Brussels statement on Wednesday. The government in Budapest initially has two months to respond to the allegations and refute them.

In the worst-case scenario, Hungary could face legal action before the European Court of Justice and possible fines. In the event of a conviction, the country would then face a fine if it continues to adhere to the law. Around 20 billion euros in EU aid for Hungary is currently frozen due to various violations of fundamental rights, such as asylum law.

Greens: "Systematic erosion of the rule of law"
Monika Vana, head of the delegation of the Austrian Greens in the European Parliament, welcomed the so-called Article 7 procedure against Hungary, but criticized that it came "very late". "For years, Viktor Orbán has continued to systematically undermine the rule of law, silencing civil society and members of the opposition through recent legislative changes and undermining minority rights," said Vana in a statement sent to APA.

FPÖ: "Absurd proceedings against Hungary"
Harald Vilimsky, head of the FPÖ delegation in the European Parliament, described the proceedings as "absurd". The EU itself was planning a law to combat foreign influence in the Union. "Why the same thing should now violate freedom of expression in Hungary is really beyond anyone's comprehension. Or you can look at it the other way around: If this violates freedom of expression in Hungary, then of course the same applies to the EU," said Vilimsky in a press release.

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