Several kilos lighter

This woman makes Lugner wedding fit

27.05.2024 15:19

Shortly before his sixth biggest day in life, Richard Lugner wants to leave nothing to chance and has therefore chosen a tried and tested method to make sure he is fit for his wedding!

On June 1, building tycoon Richard Lugner will walk down the aisle and make his "little bee", Simone Reiländer, his bride. She is still on a bus trip in Italy shortly before the wedding. Together with her sister Sonja, she is enjoying a kind of hen party.

Several kilos lighter
Meanwhile, "Mörtel" is in the middle of wedding preparations, even if they "only" consist of good food and a fine view: He is taking a cure at the luxurious Vivamayr Resort in Maria Wörth to get his body in top shape - as he has done several times before.

Doctor Schuscha has been looking after her famous patient for 16 years. (Bild: zVg Richard Lugner)
Doctor Schuscha has been looking after her famous patient for 16 years.

Here, he has been in the beneficial hands of general practitioner Doris Schuscha for 16 years and has already lost a total of 110 kilos with her help during this time.

And in the latest pictures from the posh lakeside resort, the construction lion looks remarkably vital and very slim! Let's hope the wedding suit still fits!

So nothing stands in the way of the ceremony at City Hall, the drink and cake cutting at Palais Auersperg and the wedding night in the lavish suite at the Vienna Grand Hotel ...

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read the original article here.

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