Pastor as villain

Did Mrs. Austria hero slip three cuckoo children under her?

27.05.2024 10:41

As a striker for Vienna's Austria, he scored 37 goals and provided 18 assists in 85 competitive matches and also bagged the Austrian Bundesliga top scorer's crown in the 2016/17 season - but Olarenwaju "Larry" Kayode is no longer causing a stir in sporting terms, but through a veritable family row!

Apparently, the happiness that Kayode has often publicly celebrated in recent years with his wife Ezinne Dora and their three children was nothing more than a lie - a lie told by his still-wife.

The couple's children biologically NOT his children?
As the ex-Austrian explains on his Instagram page in a lawyer's letter, the couple's three children are NOT biologically his children, according to the four-time Nigeria team player's lawyers.

Kayode also complains that Ezinne Dora, who is married to him, is said to have abducted the children from the property they previously shared in Nigeria's capital Lagos. The children's father is also said to be the well-known pastor Tobi Adegboyega.

Incidentally, he is also said to benefit from the financial support of Kayode's wife, who had previously assisted her husband as manager and, according to the ex-Austrian, had also sold two luxury cars from the Kayode fleet ...

Tired of "this man's nonsense" in the meantime
Unsurprisingly, Ezinne Dora Kayode denies the allegations - rather, she is now fed up with the "nonsense of this man".

Ruining the lives of innocent children is simply going too far. She never thought Kayode would let the row get so out of hand ...

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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