Push from Upper Austria

Tough response to religious fanatics by law

27.05.2024 11:20

When Islamists march openly and call for a caliphate instead of democracy, Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer, Upper Austria's black state councillor for integration, sees red. He wants this demand alone to be made a punishable offense and is hoping for backing from his counterparts in other federal states.

In Austria, it should not even get that far: In view of the Islamist march in Hamburg, where 1,000 radicals called for the establishment of an Islamic theocracy - a caliphate - in the middle of Europe, Integration Councillor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer is now proposing a tightening of the penal code. Specifically, the ÖVP politician wants to submit a motion at the upcoming state refugee conference in two weeks' time to reform the offense in § 247b.

Democracy versus caliphate
Hattmannsdorfer quotes from the proposed law: "The public call at demonstrations and events as well as the call in social media to replace our democracy with a caliphate and Sharia law or to establish an Islamist theocracy should be associated with severe penalties for the individuals involved and the organizations associated with them." The Green Justice Minister Alma Zadic, who is responsible for amending the law in this case, is specifically addressed.

"A warning sign for Austria"
Hattmannsdorfer continues: "The fact that the establishment of an Islamic dictatorship based on Sharia rules is being openly called for in the middle of Europe is a warning sign for Austria too. There must therefore be a tough response to religious fanatics from the outset so that our fundamental values and peaceful coexistence are not jeopardized."

Unanimity is important
The Upper Austrian Integration Council will present this proposal at the conference in question. And he is hoping for support from the speakers in the other federal states. The agreement of his blue and black colleagues is certain, the SPÖ-governed departments in Tyrol, Vienna, Carinthia and Burgenland are still unclear. If the motion is passed unanimously, the Minister of Justice will have to examine the proposal.

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