Opening victory in Paris

Despite the bandage on his arm: Alcaraz gets off to a confident start

26.05.2024 16:28

His participation was not certain for a long time, the problems in his hitting arm are still not over, yet Carlos Alcaraz is in the second round of the French Open. The two-time Grand Slam winner defeated the US American J.J. Wolf 6:1, 6:2, 6:1 to open the tournament.

Spain's young star has been plagued by injury again for months. Not for the first time in his short career. This time it's in his right hitting arm. "I don't know exactly what it is," Alcaraz admitted openly in his press conference. "The doctor explained it to me, but I've already forgotten. I'm just concentrating on doing what he and my team tell me to do."

Alcaraz was relieved during training in Paris. For the first time, he was able to hit his dreaded forehand again without feeling any pain. "But I'm still a bit worried every time I hit a forehand at 100 percent," he admits. So the 21-year-old went into the tournament with a small physical and psychological handicap.

"Don't need many matches to be in top form"
However, there was little evidence of this at the start: Alcaraz played with a full bandage on his right forearm, as he did at his last tournament in Madrid, but his cracking forehand was on show more than once and earned him numerous direct points. After 1:51 hours, he won 6:1, 6:2, 6:1. The Spaniard now hopes to improve from match to match. "Fortunately, I don't need many matches to find my top form.

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