After ceiling collapse

More inspections of school buildings necessary?

24.05.2024 20:00

The collapse of a ceiling in a classroom led to a temporary school closure in Bruck an der Mur this week. The search for the cause is currently in full swing. The question arises as to whether the structural fabric of school buildings in general should be more closely monitored.

Pupils at Bruck's education cluster B3 (BHAK, BHAS and BAfEP) were astonished on Thursday when they tried to enter their classroom and found nothing but a pile of rubble. As reported, the substructure of the ceiling in a classroom on the second floor had come loose overnight and collapsed. No one was injured and the school was immediately closed for lessons and secured. For the time being, distance learning is taking place for the pupils, and the HTL Kapfenberg will be available as alternative accommodation from June.

All similar buildings are being inspected
The affected school building, like 47 other locations in Styria, is owned by the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG). The next step is for a structural engineer and BIG to draw up a renovation proposal and coordinate it with the Education Directorate. "The Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft is now also having all ceilings with a similar construction in all school buildings checked. This now has top priority," emphasizes Brandl.

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The exact causes of the damage are currently being investigated with the help of experts, construction engineers and structural engineers. To be on the safe side, the entire building is being inspected for possible damage to the ceiling.

Emilie Brandl, Konzernsprecherin der Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft

In Styria, apart from the 48 BIG locations, the local authorities maintain around 600 compulsory schools. Eva Stuhlpfarrer from the Education Directorate told ORF: "Here, the building fabric is inspected on site by the maintainer, i.e. the municipalities. However, there is no timetable for this."

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