Gold Wing competitor

Motorcycle with eight-cylinder boxer goes into series production!

26.05.2024 10:00

The bigger, the better? The fatter, the better? For motorcycle fans who have one of these credos, here is a special treat: a cruiser bike with an eight-cylinder boxer engine! Souo Motorcycles is the name of the new brand that is launching a Honda Gold Wing XXL. The only question is whether we will see this piece of heavy metal on our roads.

Souo is part of the Chinese group Great Wall Motor, which plans to offer cars on the Austrian market soon. Perhaps the dealers will then also get this "car on two wheels" in their showrooms.

The engine is said to have a displacement of around two liters, around ten percent more than the six-cylinder (also a boxer, by the way) in the Gold Wing. We are only mentioning the BMW K 1600 here for the sake of completeness, as it is a class above in terms of driving dynamics, especially in the GT version, and is significantly less bulky at 1649 despite the six-cylinder engine.

(Bild: Great Wall Motor)
(Bild: Great Wall Motor)
(Bild: Great Wall Motor)
(Bild: Great Wall Motor)

Harley-Davidson would still have to be mentioned, but Honda is clearly the Chinese company's target: The V8 motorcycle is to be called the S2000, just like the legendary high-revving roadster that the Japanese abandoned in 2009 after ten years of production. And which fans still mourn. It had roughly the same displacement, but only half as many cylinders.

The Chinese have also upped the ante compared to Honda in terms of transmission: the Souo S2000 will have an eight-speed dual-clutch gearbox, one gear more than the Gold Wing. There will also be a reverse gear. Nothing else is known yet, apart from two overhead camshafts per cylinder head and four-valve technology as well as double wishbone front wheel steering and cardan drive.

The equipment will be just as opulent as the drive: everything from a large TFT screen to a radar system will be included.

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read the original article here.

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