US Masters

Young Strobler among the elite in America

23.05.2024 17:30

To be the only European woman at one of the most prestigious events in a sport? A dream that is now coming true for a young woman from Strobl. Waterskiing ace Leona Berner starts at the US Masters in Georgia on Friday.

The most prestigious water skiing event takes place in Georgia on Friday. Right in the middle of the US Masters is Strobl native Leona Berner. "I see it as an honor that so many people want to watch me," beams the 17-year-old when she thinks of the spectators who will be there. In the junior class, she is the only European to have qualified in the slalom and overall disciplines. She also wants to "put in a good performance" in tricks and jumping.

To this end, her school is providing her with online lessons. "I'm very grateful for this, as it allows me to pursue my sporting goals and still not fall behind at school," says Berner.

"Of course, there's always a certain amount of excitement at big competitions. However, I've now found a good routine for myself, which means I can stay calm and completely focused on myself before the start, even at big competitions. Emotionally, I think it will finally be this time too, especially because I can already see competing in the Jr US Masters as an honor in itself," says the Strobl native, clearly showing her anticipation.

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