Guardian of the arsenal

Master locksmith became the “guardian” of the

23.05.2024 05:45

Anyone who finds a key can take it to the lost property office. If it is still on the door, this is not legally correct: as a master of his trade, Michael Bübl knows this very well. When his watchful eye spotted a forgotten key at a fire station while driving past, the master locksmith promptly took on a "fire department watch".

He worked as a master locksmith in Vienna for almost 25 years and taught the police, among others, how to crack doors and how to recognize thieves and their tricks and tactics. Michael Bübl has retained one thing from this time: A keen eye for anything suspicious. Just recently, he unmasked an arts and crafts forger and, as reported, revealed burglar tricks.

"It was late afternoon, criminals would have had it easy"
This "optical talent" now proved its worth: as it turned out, the key had been forgotten after a party in the armory. This immediately caught the eye of Bübl, who was cycling past, due to his "years of professional training".

Because it could have been expensive for the Florianis from Pürstendorf in the Mistelbach district: "Criminals can get a lot of valuable equipment from a fire department," says the man from Ernstbrunn. "Above all, pruning shears are a coveted commodity in the industry," says the master locksmith. "And with their night-time 'observations', it would have been quite possible that criminals would have had a particularly easy game here."

Bübl's companion fetched a Floriani - a sigh of relief and gratitude
So while Bübl became the "fire station guard", his companion kept an eye out for a Floriani in the village - with success.

The comrades were naturally relieved: "You'll definitely be invited to a meal at the next fire department festival," they said, expressing their gratitude and relief.

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read the original article here.

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