For Ländle clubs

The prognosis is not good in League Two either

13.05.2024 05:55

Following Lustenau's relegation from the Bundesliga, a Ländle club will probably also be relegated from League Two. Whether it will be Dornbirn or Bregenz is not yet clear. However, there is one scenario in which both Ländle teams could remain in professional soccer next season.

It has long been clear to everyone that the 2023/24 season will not be a good one for the Ländle professional clubs. Altach and Lustenau avoided relegation from the Bundesliga, and the Green-Whites were not caught unawares in the end.

Unfortunately, Austria's demise does not necessarily mean that Ländle fans can at least look forward to more second division derbies next season. The Vorarlberg clubs are also fighting for survival in the second-highest division. Not just Dornbirn for the majority of the season, but now also Bregenz, who were in third place before the winter break but are now just five points off the red zone thanks to a disastrous spring.

The team from Dornbirn started a magnificent race to catch up in the spring. However, if they are finally denied permission to play, it will have been for nothing. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
The team from Dornbirn started a magnificent race to catch up in the spring. However, if they are finally denied permission to play, it will have been for nothing.

Only one good scenario
There is now only one - more or less - plausible scenario in which both the Rothosen and the provincial capitals play against Lustenau in League Two next season. Namely, if Leoben does not get a license, but Dornbirn does. Then it would probably be enough for both, unless Sturm II wins its remaining three games and Dornbirn loses its remaining three.

If the Messestädter do not get a license, it is clear who will be relegated. Bregenz would stay up. If Dornbirn gets the license to play (and Leoben too), the Ländle clubs will have it out for themselves. And that could be really bitter for Bregenz, who only picked up five points in the spring - because it is unlikely that Schwarz-Weiß will escape the negative spiral in the remaining rounds.

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