Theater Kaendace

Two aliens on the human garbage dump

26.04.2024 18:00

With the play "Absurdistan", Graz-based Theater Kaendace invites you on a wild ride through a dystopian world in which "the human experiment" has long since failed. Furious: the two actresses.

Two extraterrestrial journalists with roots in the Balkans land rather roughly on the planet Klobus at the beginning of "Absurdistan". The inhabitants have long since died out and "the human experiment has failed" is what the two women document for their "home story" about the failed planet. They want to find out how these people lived and use their garbage as material. And there is more than enough of it.

Anarchic-Balkan wordplay
This evening is as erratic and absurd as the humanity described by the duo under the direction of Felix Kraus. The play ploughs through the human garbage dump with incredible speed and anarchic-Balkan wit. Philosophical thoughts on war and capitalism mingle with snippets from old TV commercials and scenes in which Barbies are served for dinner or the women compete in a duel with a scrapped AI.

Dragana Avokadovic and Romana K. Rabić in "Absurdistan" (Bild: Anna Zora)
Dragana Avokadovic and Romana K. Rabić in "Absurdistan"

The two actresses Dragana Avokadovic and Romana K. Rabić have the reins of this wild ride through "Absurdistan" firmly in their hands. They play and sing their way furiously through this evening, which manages to describe the end of the world in an absurd way that is both bitterly evil and dystopian, while still being entertaining and uplifting. On view until May 5 at ARTist's in Graz.

00:00 / 00:00
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