Drastic increase?

Vacancy tax “not a sympathetic topic” for LH

24.04.2024 09:00

The state of Tyrol could drastically increase the vacancy tax, but is taking a wait-and-see approach. It first wants to have the project examined under data protection law and has submitted an inquiry to the Ministry of Justice. Tyrol is a "model pupil" in Austria when it comes to land consumption.

Building up vacant land at the drop of a hat in order to reduce housing costs in Tyrol: this is not the approach that the state of Tyrol is pursuing when it comes to affordable housing. Rather, the state government is caught between the poles of vacancy tax, building land mobilization and land consumption. On Tuesday, Provincial Governor Anton Mattle (ÖVP) and his deputies Josef Geisler (ÖVP) and Georg Dornauer (SPÖ) presented facts and figures.

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The vacancy tax is definitely something different in the city than in the countryside. In principle, however, it is not a sympathetic topic.

(Bild: Christof Birbaumer)

LH Anton Mattle

Model pupil Tyrol: action plan already implemented
Wildly controversial in the rest of the country, the action plan to protect against soil sealing is already being implemented in Tyrol. "We have been complying with the upper limit of 2.5 hectares per day for several years now," explained LHStv. and Regional Planning LR Geisler. Another approach is to make double use of sealed surfaces, for example through photovoltaics on parking lots. Mattle said that the second funding call had been quite successful here.

Reserved areas for subsidized housing construction
Tyrol is one of the federal states that spends the most money on redensification and renovation. 42,500 square meters in 90 out of 277 Tyrolean municipalities have been designated as reserved areas for subsidized housing construction, while building land reserves have also been successively reduced - around 200 hectares since 2019. In comparison: the limit of 2.5 hectares per day means land consumption of around 900 hectares per year.

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When Greenpeace gives the green light for the Tyrolean soil strategy, it shows that the facts and figures are on our side.

Josef Geisler (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LHStv. Josef Geisler (ÖVP)

Innsbruck's BM Georg Willi calls for tripling
A further key aspect of affordable housing in Tyrol is secure renting. A non-profit housing developer takes care of the process and protects owners from rental nomads. Since its introduction at the end of last year, 64 apartments with an area of 4,800 square meters have been offered to the state, and around 40 can ultimately be used.

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It is legitimate that the Minister of Justice is campaigning. Demanding that the state press the button and look the other way is not.

Tirols SPÖ-Chef Georg Dornauer (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LHStv. Georg Dornauer (SPÖ)

When it comes to the vacancy tax - Innsbruck's BM Willi suggested tripling it in an interview with "Krone", which could mean up to 7,000 euros per year - the state government is more cautious. They first want to have the project examined under data protection law and have submitted a request to the Ministry of Justice. The maximum possible amount is to be clarified by means of an expert opinion. "We want to put a stop to speculation," emphasized LH Mattle. He is not "sympathetic" to the issue.

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