A suicide mission

Russians are now attacking with kamikaze motorcycles

11.04.2024 10:16

Videos are currently circulating on Russian propaganda channels showing Putin's soldiers being sent on a veritable suicide mission: The attackers race kamikaze-style on motorcycles through a hail of bullets directly towards Ukrainian positions, which they claim to be attacking.

One of the videos shows two motorcycles moving at high speed across a field near Luhansk in eastern Ukraine and stopping at the edge of a forest in front of Ukrainian positions. The clip, which was recorded by the Russian "Zarya" battalion itself, then breaks off. In this case, it is not clear how the daring advance ends.

A suicide mission through artillery fire
In another video broadcast by the TV channel Russia 1, soldiers boast that they surprise the enemy in their positions with these suicide missions using enemy artillery fire - one hand on the handlebars, the gun in the other.

According to these accounts, the Ukrainians did not even engage in battle but fled.

Chances of survival like a game of chance
The veracity of these statements cannot be verified; other footage also shows motorcycles that were apparently destroyed at the front. What is certain, however, is that these were high-risk missions. An expert from the Oryx portal, which uses images and videos to count the number of war victims, speaks of a "game of chance" as to whether one survives or not.

"It is a normal calculation to sacrifice protection for speed if this is deemed necessary, for example by reconnaissance or special operations troops," the expert tweeted.

Attack on Ukraine with dozens of missiles and drones
Bitter fighting is also continuing in Ukraine using conventional means. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, Russia attacked Ukraine with more than 40 missiles and more than 40 drones on Thursday night. The target was critical infrastructure, Selensky explained.

Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko reported attacks on power generation and distribution facilities in the regions of Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Lviv and Kiev.

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