Campaign launched

“Do everything so that no child becomes a victim of violence”

08.04.2024 13:15

Justice Minister Alma Zadić, Family Minister Susanne Raab, State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm and Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch present the first nationwide child protection campaign "No to violence" on Monday.

The aim is to address those affected as well as adults. Justice Minister Alma Zadić (Greens) referred to the three pillars of prevention, help and sanctions for perpetrators. The aim is to sensitize adults to signs of violence and convey the message to children and young people: "No one is allowed to hurt you, violence is never justifiable."

"Let's take a closer look in future"
"Violence can affect any child and we can encounter it anywhere - in the family, in public, in clubs or at school. Child protection concerns us all. That's why we should take a closer look in future when children and young people change their behavior. Let's ask more questions if we suspect violence. Let's listen to children and young people better. And let's take them seriously when they confide in us."

Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch, Minister of Justice Alma Zadic, Minister of Family Affairs Susanne Raab and State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch, Minister of Justice Alma Zadic, Minister of Family Affairs Susanne Raab and State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm
State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm, Minister of Justice Alma Zadic, Minister of Family Affairs Susanne Raab and Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm, Minister of Justice Alma Zadic, Minister of Family Affairs Susanne Raab and Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch

Family Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) also had a message ready: "Children are the most valuable thing we have in our society. It is our duty to protect them from violence and abuse. You are not alone and you have contact points everywhere near you."

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The perpetrators' strongest tool is the shame of the abused. The only remedy is the knowledge of those affected.

Jugendstaatssekretärin Claudia Plakolm

State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm (ÖVP) also wants to empower those affected: "The strongest tool of the perpetrators is the shame of the abused. The only remedy is the knowledge of those affected. This child protection campaign is intended to increase knowledge and awareness among children and young people that assaults are neither normal nor okay and to show them where they can get help."

2022 rund 19.000 Anzeigen
Gewalt und Gewaltformen

The vast majority of people understand violence against children to be physical violence, but there are many other forms of violence. According to statistics, around 19,000 reports were made in 2022 because children were victims of some form of violence (physical violence, sexual violence, deprivation of liberty, etc.).

However, according to information from child protection agencies, bullying and psychological violence at school or online are the most common forms of violence reported by children and young people. This is followed by psychological and physical violence in the family, which also includes witnessed violence against close caregivers of the child - such as the mother.

In order to better protect children and young people from violence, the federal government's "No to violence" campaign aims to raise public awareness of the various forms of violence and increase children's and young people's awareness of their rights.
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