Mortar's plans unveiled

Did the little bee sting? Lugner’s sweet secret

04.04.2024 12:59

Will it be his sixth marriage? Love (a heavenly force, as we all know) and spring may have struck for Richard Lugner. "Little bee" Simone has moved in with him at home. Will he say "Yes, I do!" one more time or not? The society builder now reveals his last secret in the "Krone".

When we announced at the beginning of this week that Richard Lugner had moved in with his "little bee" Simone, we thought it might be a good omen. It means that the 91-year-old master builder feels very comfortable in the company of this woman.

She gives him strength, keeps him on his toes, "and after six years of living alone in the house, it was also nice to have someone living here with me again," he says in the "Krone" interview about his new domestic situation.

The stars are aligned
Of course, he would never have gone ahead with it if star astrologer Gerda Rogers hadn't advised him to do so: "So everything is working out wonderfully - in terms of the horoscope, it fits perfectly. I got married to Mausi back then without one. Then I had one drawn up later and it showed the tensions, even though we were married for 17 years."

The ring of their love: Lugner has already put the engagement ring on Simone. (Bild: Andreas Tischler / Vienna Press)
The ring of their love: Lugner has already put the engagement ring on Simone.

But now the little bee has moved in with him at home, along with her pets. This is also the reason why Lugner's own dog has been left behind: "Simone has taken her dogs with her, but they are used to being outside. Only her cats are now all over the house and my dog has a bit of a hard time with that."

"Little bee" buzzes around the raised bed
But dog and master will probably soon get used to the new conditions. Especially dog dad Richard Lugner: "Simone also has a day off today and she's redesigning my vegetable garden. We already have two raised beds and it's fun and she likes it. My mother was like that too - so it's working very well at the moment."

Richard Lugner with his petting zoo. It's quite possible that some of the ladies are particularly sad right now. But "Bienchen" (to his left) is his favorite and now lives at home with him. (Bild: Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
Richard Lugner with his petting zoo. It's quite possible that some of the ladies are particularly sad right now. But "Bienchen" (to his left) is his favorite and now lives at home with him.

Family reunion in Las Vegas
It all sounds relatively serious - and it probably is: he and Simone are flying to America this weekend for a little family reunion: "We're flying to my daughter's on Sunday and visiting her in Las Vegas," he says about the business trip, which he is combining with a visit to his older daughter Nadine. Speaking of "business", Simone has not yet joined the Lugner empire: "No, she's still at Hornbach. She is a deputy branch manager and that would also fit in well at Lugner City because she also has commercial experience," he says, already making big plans.

He continues to do this in private with the woman who is obviously really good for him. Are the wedding bells ringing again, at least in the back of his mind? "Well, it's not an issue at the moment," he hesitates before adding, "But I think I'd risk it!"

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That was a disaster with Cathy. She tapped my phone, for example, and wanted to 'catch' me doing everything!

Richard Lugner über Ehe Nummer 5

What's holding him back? Sometimes, one or two "traumatic" experiences from the past: "With Cathy (note: Lugner's fifth wife), that was a disaster. She tapped my phone, for example, and wanted to 'catch' me doing everything!"

Mörtel is determined
This means that we can soon prepare ourselves for news from the Lugner household. Because our master builder is back in his element and with this woman by his side, he should be doing really well. That's why he adds: "I haven't said we're getting married yet." But would he risk it with Simone? "Yes!" ... He wants to.

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