Two vacancies

Mürzzuschlag fights against the shortage of doctors

04.04.2024 18:00

The shortage of doctors is rampant in Styria. In addition to hospital posts, this primarily affects medical practice positions, mainly outside the Graz suburbs. Mürzzuschlag, for example, has had two vacancies for general practitioners for some time. But now a solution finally seems to be in sight.

People in Mürztal no longer understand the world: one GP retired in spring 2021, followed by another at the end of last year - meaning that two out of four health insurance fund posts for GPs are currently vacant in Mürzzuschlag. "Although we have now found two interested doctors who want to open a surgery in Mürzzuschlag, nothing is happening," says long-term mayor Karl Rudischer (SPÖ), shaking his head.

The mayor of Mürzzuschlag, Karl Rudischer. (Bild: Heinz Weeber)
The mayor of Mürzzuschlag, Karl Rudischer.

From his point of view, the health insurance fund (ÖGK) and the medical association have repeatedly passed the ball back and forth. One time it was about possible start-up funding from the ÖGK, the other about the invitation to tender by the Chamber. After all, a position can only be filled if an advertisement has been published in the Chamber's newspaper. And according to Rudischer, this has not happened since fall 2021. "One of the doctors we contacted had already applied to the Medical Chamber, but was then told that no vacancy had been advertised for Mürzzuschlag. ÖGK assured us in advance that the start-up funding would be maintained," says Rudischer.

The ÖGK understands the displeasure of the Mürzzuschlag residents: "We have been working intensively on a solution for this region for some time, but I can understand the mayor," explains Josef Harb, Chairman of the Styrian ÖGK regional committee. However, he can also come up with a solution: "The tender has now been issued and will run until April 16." The above-mentioned start-up funding of 70,000 euros (tied to expenditure made for investments in the surgery) from ÖGK has also been taken into account. "We are also in contact with the doctor and know which premises she has in mind."

Josef Harb, ÖGK regional office chairman. (Bild: Christian Jauschowetz)
Josef Harb, ÖGK regional office chairman.

In addition, the creation of a primary care center in Mürzzuschlag remains a priority for ÖGK. "We have the prospect of a location at the train station and are already talking to a possible operator." According to reports, this will be the deaconesses, who already operate the PVZ in Admont. In any case, according to Harb, the realization should take place this year. The same is also planned in Deutschlandsberg and Kindberg - southwest of Mürzzuschlag, ÖGK even wants to operate the center itself.

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