Tyrol's SPÖ leader

“Don’t reallocate land at the drop of a hat!”

31.03.2024 15:00

Georg Dornauer is responsible for housing in the state of Tyrol. What is his assessment after one and a half years? A review and a recommendation to all mayors.

Georg Dornauer has been responsible for the housing department in the Tyrolean state government for one and a half years. What is his assessment so far? "In the subsidy system, after just a few months - and in the middle of the inflation wave - I had the government decide to increase the rent and housing subsidy and raise the income limits," explains the 1st Deputy Provincial Governor in an interview with the "Krone". According to Dornauer, this will greatly relieve the burden on applicants and the new guidelines will also take account of small and medium-sized businesses.

"In addition, I already decided last spring to increase the eligible construction costs for housing subsidies. This was urgently needed due to the exploding construction cost index, otherwise many housing projects by our non-profit housing developers in Tyrol would simply have been canceled."

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We need student housing just as much as we need affordable housing.

Tirols SPÖ-Chef Georg Dornauer (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

Georg Dornauer

Dornauer locates boiling point
The SPÖ chairman now believes that "the boiling point has been reached in the construction sector" - which is why everything must be done to ensure that the construction sector does not come to a standstill. "We need student housing as well as affordable housing. We can steer this politically with housing subsidies - and I will do so. However, I also hope that the federal government's promised housing package will have a positive impact on Tyrol and that we will soon have more financial resources available for subsidized housing," says Georg Dornauer, sending a message to Vienna. He expects around 50 million euros in addition to the 310 million euros already available in the state budget.

The boiling point in the construction sector has been reached, says Dornauer. (Bild: Marianne Mayer - stock.adobe.com)
The boiling point in the construction sector has been reached, says Dornauer.

Housing needs study in June
The housing needs study commissioned in collaboration with the University of Innsbruck will be presented by the red housing officer in June. "I am expecting a hard-hitting analysis and solid recommendations on how we can create affordable housing for Tyroleans in a future-oriented and liveable way at all stages of life. We need to focus on modern forms of housing that conserve land and resources. Renovating and adapting existing buildings is the order of the day anyway. For old buildings in the village center that can no longer be revitalized, I can also imagine a demolition bonus for our municipalities as part of village renewal."

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There is no need for 17 more amendments to the Tyrolean Spatial Planning Act.

Tirols SPÖ-Chef Georg Dornauer (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

Georg Dornauer

Clear words for the municipalities
Speaking of municipalities: Dornauer also has clear words: "We don't need 17 more amendments to the Tyrolean Spatial Planning Act, but rather a mandatory application of the contractual spatial regulations in order to finally ensure affordable land prices again. 70:30 (only 30% of the newly rezoned area should be sold by the owner on the open market, 70% cheaper, note) would be a viable option for all parties involved, is Dornauer's clear recommendation to all local politicians in the province. "If our mayors and local councillors make the same mistakes today as they did 40 years ago and reallocate land 'come hell or high water', then they are denying our young families any prospect of an affordable Tyrol. I assume that everyone has understood that by now."

7000 empty apartments in Innsbruck
Finally, SP leader Dornauer wants to mobilize the vacant apartments - especially in the provincial capital of Innsbruck. "Firstly, we need to obtain the data and secondly, we need to proactively approach the owners. As soon as the vacancy levy is imposed, a serious offer for 'safe letting' must be made in the same letter. We can't afford to waste any more time," is Dornauer's plan. In Innsbruck, it is currently estimated that there are around 7000 empty residential units.

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