AK service tip

Know how: Useful AK library for pupils

27.03.2024 05:59

An insider tip for pupils: the library of the Styrian Chamber of Labor in Graz can be used for work and research when writing pre-scientific papers and dissertations and offers a wide range of specialist literature.

The AK library offers students help with the preparation of their pre-scientific work, or VWA for short. Since 2014/15, the writing of a VWA at AHS and the writing of a diploma thesis at vocational colleges (BHS) has been a fixed part of the Matura alongside the written and oral school-leaving examination.

Free specialist literature
The library of the Styrian Chamber of Labor can be used for learning, researching and working and provides an extensive range of specialist literature - printed and digital - on topics such as the labor movement, contemporary history of the 20th century, bullying and cyberbullying, conflict management, gender, financial management and academic work free of charge.

Pupils can contact the AK Library team with their individual concerns if they have problems at the start of writing, difficulties in structuring the topic or questions about narrowing down topics or time management. In addition, individual consultation hours and library tours are offered to facilitate basic work with a focus on the VWA or diploma thesis.

"Gewusst wie" is a service series of the "Krone" and the Chamber of Labor.

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