No right to a say

Mayor warns of even more refugees

20.03.2024 17:15

The mayor of Ternberg, Günther Steindler (SP), is sounding the alarm. The community of 3,600 inhabitants in the Steyr-Land district is already home to 100 asylum seekers. New asylum seekers are arriving every day. The municipality can hardly do anything about the strong growth, as the accommodation is privately owned.

The number of refugees housed in the municipality of Ternberg (Steyr-Land district) has risen to over 100: "And there are more to come", says local leader Günther Steindler (SP), sounding the alarm. The former disco is currently housing 40 people seeking protection, with more to follow. Not far from the dance temple, the first asylum seekers are moving into newly built accommodation.

100 refugees per 3600 inhabitants
"Of course I am prepared to fulfill humanitarian tasks. The municipality must have a say in the allocation of new accommodation. There must be targeted coordination and a distribution formula in line with the population," says the mayor of the town with 3,600 inhabitants. As the refugee accommodation is privately owned or run as a limited company, the municipality's hands are tied.

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Of course I am happy to fulfill humanitarian tasks and help. But I question the system.

Günther Steindler, SPÖ-Bürgermeister in Ternberg

"Providing accommodation for people seeking help is a lucrative business for the accommodation providers. But the costs involved are borne by the municipality." Steindler cites the financial outlay for school, kindergarten, medical care, administrative tasks and organizing an interpreter as examples.

Protests had an effect in Vorchdorf
By contrast, there is no new asylum accommodation in Vorchdorf. There, citizens took to the barricades against the accommodation of refugees in containers in the village of Feldham. "The plans are history and the result of the dedicated efforts of many citizens who raised their voices," says FP Deputy Mayor Alexander Schuster.

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