Movement revolution

New chance to win 5,000 euros for your municipality

08.03.2024 11:05

The Movement Revolution is getting Styrians active during Lent: the "Most active municipality 2.0" project is looking for the three municipalities with the most minutes of physical activity and will reward each with 5,000 euros until March 30.

The overall project was initiated and financed by the Styrian Health Fund and is being implemented in cooperation with the three sports umbrella organizations ASKÖ, ASVÖ and SPORTUNION. The Movement Revolution offers a whole host of activities, and the residents of all 286 Styrian municipalities were also invited to compete for the very special title of "Styria's most active municipality" for three months from November 14!

Two municipalities came out on top: Tillmitsch took the title in the weighted ranking with 8,147 minutes of physical activity per participant, while Krakow won the special prize for the most minutes of physical activity in total (1,170,556 minutes). They each earned an exercise event worth 10,000 euros.

Taking part in the "Most Active Community 2.0" not only pays off for your fitness and health, it also strengthens the sense of community. Because in the end, every minute counts for your community! (Bild: Canva & Christina Koppelhuber)
Taking part in the "Most Active Community 2.0" not only pays off for your fitness and health, it also strengthens the sense of community. Because in the end, every minute counts for your community!

"Version 2.0" as a new challenge
For all municipalities that joined the race a little too late, there has been a new opportunity since February 15: under the motto "Most active municipality 2.0 - active through Lent", all Styrian municipalities can once again collect as many minutes of exercise as possible until Holy Saturday, March 30. Every activity - from hiking and cycling to walking and housework - counts and is once again recorded using an app.

5 steps to success: how your municipality can win

1. download the "spusu Sport" app
2. register with the "Most active municipality 2.0"
3. select your municipality
4. move diligently until March 30 and record every activity via app
5. if you motivate many residents to register and get moving, you will help your municipality to achieve more minutes of physical activity and thus increase the chance of winning a resident category

You can find more information HERE.

Three municipalities out of 286 will win the 5,000 euro prize
In the end, there will be three winners in "Most active municipality 2.0 - Active through Lent" - one each in the categories up to 2,500, from 2,501 to 5,000 and over 5,000 inhabitants. Each of these municipalities will win an exercise project worth 5,000 euros, and all participants will be entered into a prize draw to win vouchers.

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