Power line struck

India: Wedding guests burnt “alive” in bus

12.03.2024 09:50

A tragedy occurred on Monday in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh: A bus carrying wedding guests on its way to the Mahahar temple grazed a low-hanging power line, causing it to catch fire. Several passengers were unable to escape the flames and died in them.

The bus was carrying around 50 passengers when the accident occurred. According to the police, at least five people died and several others were injured and taken to the district hospital.

"Very sad and heartbreaking"
"The loss of life in the accident in Ghazipur district is very sad and heartbreaking," said the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. "My thoughts are with the bereaved families. My condolences go to the bereaved families. I pray to God to grant peace to the departed souls and speedy recovery to the injured," he said.

The Prime Minister promised that the bereaved families of the victims would each receive financial assistance of 500,000 rupees (equivalent to around 5500 euros), while the seriously injured would be given medical aid worth 50,000 rupees (around 550 euros). According to reports in the Indian media, three employees of the local electricity company were suspended for negligence.

Highest road accident rate in the world
India has one of the highest road accident rates in the world. The country's roads are among the most unsafe in the world. Every year, an average of 150,000 people die in road accidents there.

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