Kickl deals out:

“The others will squirm like eels”

08.03.2024 11:05

The Federal President should not even "get any stupid ideas" and give the "unity party", whose representatives will "squirm like eels" after the election, the mandate to form a government. This is what FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl tells Alexander Van der Bellen in an interview with As expected, the Freedom Party leader lashes out at his political rivals.

The other parties are "melting together into a single party" and are only interested in "how many heads they can throw into the feeding troughs after the election". Green Party leader Werner Kogler knows his way around "per thousand and percentage calculations", "but he has no idea about democracy". The FPÖ, on the other hand, stands for a change of course, says Kickl.

"Would be voter fraud"
He caused a stir with a statement towards the ÖVP. He reminded the People's Party that the ÖVP had the most similarities with the FPÖ in terms of content. Kickl ruled out the possibility of government participation without him at the head of the FPÖ. "That would be voter fraud, self-denial and self-elimination", just so that the ÖVP could remain in power.

The firewall that everyone else had built around the FPÖ was not in the interests of the population, but a "fatal course". The winner of the election should be given the task of forming a government, "the losers must draw the consequences". Even the Federal President cannot prevent this and if he tried to do so, he would be placing himself outside the constitutional arc, said Kickl. "I won't have to bend after the election, but everyone else will squirm like eels."

Kickl makes clear statements on the issue of violence against women by asylum seekers. The Austrian population is being overwhelmed by an "avalanche of migration". And those in power are playing this down "under the guise of tolerance". Kickl sees a "lack of orientation" in his own population and among immigrants. A "radical realignment" and "order must be established", and society, politics and the state must communicate this clearly.

The left had brought a lack of values and orientation into society. He rejects the "cuddly justice of 1968" and is in favor of criminal responsibility from the age of twelve. If someone "can rape and torture people, then they should experience first-hand what coercive measures mean". talks are also available as podcasts:

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