Important helpers

Concentrated female power at the Danube Island Festival

06.03.2024 11:00

The Danube Island Festival would not be possible without the commitment of many women. From female politicians to those responsible for the toilet facilities, they all make their contribution to the open-air event.

Although the annual Danube Island Festival is still a while away, the planning starts much earlier. On the occasion of International Women's Day, the women behind the mega-event got together: Deputy Mayor and City Councillor for Women Kathrin Gaál and State Party Secretary of the SPÖ Vienna Barbara Novak, among others, and many other helpers, such as a singer-songwriter and those responsible for staff planning around the toilet infrastructure.

"Viennese women want free events"
Each of them is doing their bit to make the legendary Danube Island Festival, which takes place this year from June 21 to 23, possible. For City Councillor for Women Kathrin Gaál, this is a project close to her heart: "In 2022, the city's major women's survey 'Vienna as she wants it' was conducted, and one of the results was that Viennese women want free events. And one of the highlights of the year is of course the Danube Island Festival, the largest open-air festival in Europe, with free admission for all Viennese women!"

The anticipation for Vienna's largest open-air festival is growing among all the co-organizers. "The Danube Island Festival is special for me as an artist because you simply have the opportunity to get a stage here in Austria. The Danube Island Festival is the biggest stage in Europe, and it's all about music," says Virginia Ernst, singer-songwriter.

But women behind the stage also achieve great things, explains Katharina Berger, long-time ambulance manager at the Danube Island Festival. It is only thanks to them that this major event can take place safely.

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